Percussion & choreographic performance


Heitor Villa-Lobos / Chico Buarque / Jean-Luc Rimey-Meille…
With Zalindê, Afro-Brazilian percussion band and Lanna Zita, singer

Heitor Villa-Lobos / Chico Buarque / Jean-Luc Rimey-Meille…
With Zalindê, Afro-Brazilian percussion band and Lanna Zita, singer


The Percussions Claviers de Lyon share the stage with Afro-Brazilian percussion band Zalindê. Based in Paris, this batucada is exclusively composed of women. Renowned French musicians such as Matthieu Chedid, Ibrahim Maalouf and Oxmo Puccino have already asked them for their amazing sense of rhythm that is unanimously acclaimed. Staging and choreography are added to the sounds of drums, snare drums and agogôs: a feast for both eyes and ears!

The Percussions Claviers de Lyon quintet invites eight musicians from Zalindê for an original creation where written and oral music unite around the Brazilian soul. Traditional percussion interacts with vibraphones and marimbas to shape a new creative and sensitive kaleidoscope of sounds. It’s a fantastic opportunity to review Jean-Luc Rimey-Meille’s music, to play the musical virtuosity of choro or the inexhaustible richness of Brazilian singing before ending with a fiery finale performed by both orchestras.

Here is a lively musical journey that is aimed at every audience, whether in concert halls or outdoors in the street.



Music content suggested by
Gilles Dumoulin and Lanna Zita

Music transcription and arrangement
Gilles Dumoulin, Zalindê


Artistic layout
Livia Arditti

The Percussions Claviers de Lyon, Zalindê, Festival Les Détours de Babel, La Rampe – Echirolles


Afro-Brazilian percussion band

The Percussions Claviers de Lyon

More info

Past dates

Hosting Caleidoscópio


Artistic Director
Gilles Dumoulin – +33 609 87 71 94

Music Promotion
Myriam Boussaboua – +33 685 61 13 23